Welcome to the Narahaku Learning Center.
(“Narahaku” is short for “Nara Kokuritsu Hakubutsukan,” the museum’s name in Japanese.)
We invite you to immerse yourself in the many worlds of Buddhist art…
The Narahaku Learning Center is a part of the Nara National Museum. On our website, you will find a wealth of educational resources and information about our extensive museum programming.
Our goal is to offer guidance, tools and knowledge about Buddhist art so that it becomes more accessible to a diverse audience. Whether you are totally new to Buddhist art or already an expert, and no matter your age or background, we want to provide you with information that allows you to find Buddhist art ever more alluring, equipping you with knowledge that makes learning about it all the more enjoyable.
Thank you for visiting our website.
We can’t wait for you to join us.
Narahaku Techo in English
Buddhist Art Basics
불교 미술의 기본
Solve the Puzzles! Creatures of Faith
猜谜游戏开始啦! 神佛世界的动物园
수수께끼 풀이 게임! 신앙 속의 동물나라
All talks and lectures are delivered in Japanese.
Lectures by guest speakers and museum curators are usually held on Saturdays from 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the auditorium.
The Sunday Talk is usually held once a month on Sunday from 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. in the auditorium.
Due to COVID-19, all guidance from volunteers is currently on hold.
There are volunteer guides present in the galleries every day from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. to answer your questions on exhibitions. They can also introduce the highlights of our collection currently on display.
One guide is stationed at each of the volunteer desks in the galleries; feel free to approach them with any questions or to draw on their knowledge.
Please note that explanations are only offered in Japanese.